
Monday, May 24, 2010

Drinking The Fox News Kool-Aid?

WAKE UP! Fox News does NOT represent Christianity!
So many Christians have jumped on the Fox News Band wagon--really giving credence to the media's caricature that all Christians are interested in taking a stand for our beliefs through political means.

But check this out..Jesus wants to transform America through the advancement of His Kingdom through our witness in word, action & power. The Kingdom of God is NOT advanced through your vote. Now that may be a shocking statement. I'm certainly not saying you shouldn't vote, but I am most definitely saying that your vote does NOT promote the kingdom of God as Jesus preached & demonstrated it.

If we wanna see real political, moral, economic, sociological change in the US we gotta advance the Kingdom of God. We have to tell people how to enter it through true repentance, how to live in it through obedience & Spirit empowerment and then how to advance it. Our battle is not a political one, it is a spiritual one! The battle is fought & won in the heavenlies and THEN realized in our world. Stop with the Tea Parties & throw a prayer meeting. I doubt that would make it on Fox News. Cause why pray? We are called to "ACTION" we are told. I can assure you, your actions will get the attention of a few, and may even produce some changes in the social landscape that actually look similar to Christian values. But at the end of the day you are only putting makeup on a corpse. America is DEAD without the gospel, and can only be resurrected through the life changing message of Jesus Christ.

Has it ever occurred to anybody that Fox News could actually be part of a two headed monster? The masses lock themselves politically to one side or the other thinking their side will win with enough arguing. But perhaps we are playing right into the enemies hands. Fox News becomes the rogue antagonist against the liberal agenda, & the Daily Show with Jon Stewart becomes the voice of young liberal America. And while we are locked into the latest political flash in the pan the enemy is stealing the soul of America-the people you work with, live with, play with, go to church with.

Don't drink it!

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